domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

Hello, my name is Felipe Renovato de Araujo and I'm twenty two years old, was born in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. I'm studying science and technology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (FURN), and I intend to specialize in the area of mechanical engineering.

I am a quiet person who likes to hang out with friends and have fun Whatever the place. I like to listen to music regardless of genre but has a nice rhythm, I also like watching movies, especially horror movies.

My favorite pastime is playing video games, which I prefer games multplayer, to play with friends.


Matrícula: 2010043049
Natural of Rio de Janeiro, 27 years, coming from public schools, I intend to finish the BC & T and specialize in the area of software engineering, I'm eclectic, but I hear more instrumental, rock, pagode, in my spare time, I read the book of logical character or supernatural. I like to go to the beach and learn about places and people, Gnostic spiritually, I read the bible and other books related to religions, I'm currently serving in Brazil through the Navy, professional stewardship, military career. In 2010 I could realize my dream of joining the college and establish themselves in the military. My hobby is to learn mathematics and physics.


Despite the conclusions and recent scientific advances to some of the phenomena physical, biological and chemical, still seek answers to the puzzle more defiant of all eras: our origin.

First, we are beginning to explain the life through the proto-science : in dialectics and mythologies of wise men of seniority, involving: "universe sacred" the interpretations of the laws of nature, which were transmitted and advanced generations, to adapt the anxieties-and doubts of man, consolidating-if contemporaneously with the current religions and their dogmas immutable, established by " spiritual authorities" in accordance with revelations his "sacred scriptures".

The trope of the cave (Plato, the republic book VII) of humanity in relation to the understanding of the world, spread eta The adoption of scientific method by Al-Anonymous from Ibn, where the ideas could only be accepted as real after the observation, data collections, assumptions, experience (tests) reformulation of the theory based on arguments software and convincing, may the latter be resulted after analysis of new evidences, by resuming all actions of cycle.

Thought these circumstances formulated-biological two hypotheses on the beginning of life:
Abiogenists: life originates from matter inanimate (gross);
Biogenesis: all existing and originated from another be vivo.

The first hypothesis was soon discarded by concluding experience of the flasks of meat of Francesco Redi (noting-by means of comments, of a glass vial closed not create insects and mice), where it was evidenced experimentally that All live and originated from another preexistent. Formulated the new theory, it was soon faced by scientific society at the time for not answering the crucial question: how it began the first organism?

If there is no reply, decided to classify-differences of living matter of inanimate, being proposal the theory of "vital force" (Bishop /capacity of living beings to generate life) solving-separates-la chemically into two types:

Inorganic: composed of rocks, metals... Not producing life (without "vital force");
Organic: material owners of vital force able to source living organism.

However, this new confection was soon overthrown by German chemist Friedrich Wohler, mixed two substances inorganic: cyanate silver, chloride ammonia producing crystals of urine. The living matter may originate inorganic compounds!

Recently, the astronomer Percival lowel proposed that mate was inhabited by creatures pensantes for some reason and if extinguiram. These comments especulo-that these people came to arriving, and have sown the "germ" of life – perhaps a parallel historia, however, never heard reports of ETs voassem in orbita terrestrial- the actually knows and mars, by virtue of its position in the solar system, was more propicio to receive the life, containing water and living beings in its crust.

Not yet, we can prove this theory by the lack of data, even if never really stepped it up, which is currently known, and that the numerous rocks orbiting the planet Mars, many come into our atmosphere, and many of them with signs alien bacteria.

All these questions deserve answers and assumptions to be examined carefully, after all, if we look back and verify the consequences of each new discovery in our society, we find that the benefits extend not only to biology, chemistry and physics, as the text. Think of the new concepts of human and exact sciences, they revolutionized theories, besides the chance to predict and modify events in a rational way, after all, we were not always the dominant species on this planet, if we compare with our reign of the dinosaurs (70, 000 thousand years) that represented only two percent of the latter

So our real goal and the time control, demystifying the ethical and religious boundaries in favor of larger studies in such areas as the core of the atom and DNA. The question of our origins is still unanswered. Of "spiritual beings" to "stardust", no current theory can explain the puzzle of our origins, however, the man seeking ease their stay in this vast planet, evolving constantly, until the point of achieving immortality.

sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Elba Roberta, 25 years old.
Natal, RN, Brazil
Hi and welcome to the Bachelor’s Program in Science and Technology.
I graduated in Geology and Mining from CEFET-RN, and for three years I worked in this area. This course has given me many experiences; through it, I have visited all the states in Brazil. My best and greatest adventure was when I spent some months working with mineral exploration camped in the Amazon. Currently, in order to broaden my knowledge and grow professionally, I quit my job to study science and technology in UFRN.
I always try to improve myself in what I do. As regards my cultural tastes, music is what moves me, especially good music, such as rock or metal, blues, jazz, country from the 50s, 60s and 70s. I love air travel. Riding through the clouds is spectacular. Venturing into some extreme sports renew me. For example, hiking is very good for my ideas, while dancing helps me to concentrate. I have several books, and I like reading things related to my area and also biographies. On Saturday night I like to hang out with my friends. I have a great passion for movies and sitcoms, in particular Star Trek. Trying different tastes is extraordinary, but I am a little selective, being a vegetarian. Drinks fascinate me, especially wines. I like to discuss on a variety of issues, so that I can have a reasonable knowledge about everything.
In sum, I am passionate about life!

Paulo André de Sena Castro - 201004472
Born in October 13, 1984, in Fortaleza – CE, having completed secondary education in 2002, I joined in the Brazilian Navy in 2004, by public tender, subsequently I studied technical naval communications in 2008, being promoted the graduation of Cable naval Communications, graduation which I perform currently. I have interest in several areas of action, because I very much like computer, telecommunications, cinema and music, among other issues. After form engineering area in one of the subsequent course of Baccalaureate in Science and Technology, intending to give continuity to naval career, by tendering for promotion or work in the middle civil, in the area of support or creation.

Hi Guys,

My name is Pedro Paulo, I am Brazilian and I am 19 years old. I have always lived in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte State. I'm a simple guy, calm, I love my life.
My favorite food is Chinese and it is called Bifu, but my daily diet includes: fruits, breads, meats, good old beans and rice, soup, etc…
To pass the time I love playing football with friends, surfing, try to play the guitar, watching movies and series, going to the beach, listening to music and reading. In reading my emphasis is on the psychographics, books dictated by spirits. The experiences of life after death fascinate me and give me hope, knowing that there isn’t only this life.
I am currently a student of Bachelor of Science and Technology, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. I chose it because it is a basic course that's the opportunity to join various engineerings that interest me. Initially I would like to join Energy Engineering, which is not offered at our university.
Like many children my first dream was to become a footballer, even got a scholarship for high school playing soccer, but time passed, I was hurting myself so I decided to take care of my studies. With that my dreams and goals have changed, and today, get a good job, help people, learn to speak other languages, go to Fernando de Noronha, learn about snow are some of my new dreams and goals that I will soon accomplish.

Dreams nourish life, so I hope I never stop dreaming.
A bit of me 

Stephen Hawking's Universe

Imagine if it was possible to get inside the temporal tissue and to navigate through ages and to enjoy time domain. The light travels in the space to a constant speed of 3x10º Km/s. According to the theory of Albert Einstein, if a body could travel at such speed, there would be a temporal lapse that would make it possible for the human being to carry through excursions in the time. This is the theory of the twin brothers, in which one of them would go on a return 5-year trip to the Oregon belt, while in the land, the time elapsing between these events would correspond to ten years.

However, this is only possible because of the laws that rule the universe; nothing can be faster than the light in the vacuum; in this situation, time is compresses, delaying the displacement of any moving body.
Another way to travel in time is through the black holes, which, due to its gravitational force, are able to “pull” to its interior, also the light, with some “Gs” of gravity. They can also interfere with time, causing everything around them to slow down. If we could change such a structure in some lapse of time, this would work as a time machine.

The same way as it goes with medicine, in which man perfects the knowledge in order to become immortal, if we could make these trips, we would be as God, with power to change the routes of the time space. However, the question remains: will it still be possible to change something that already happened, or, something that will happen, and which would be the implications of these interactions?
Modern science stands on the shoulders of two great theories: quantum and relativity, the first one in the atomic level and to another in the macro level. However, there isn’t an interaction between them to date, because the analyses of the phenomena carried out by both fields bear contradictory results.

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