sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Stephen Hawking's Universe

Imagine if it was possible to get inside the temporal tissue and to navigate through ages and to enjoy time domain. The light travels in the space to a constant speed of 3x10º Km/s. According to the theory of Albert Einstein, if a body could travel at such speed, there would be a temporal lapse that would make it possible for the human being to carry through excursions in the time. This is the theory of the twin brothers, in which one of them would go on a return 5-year trip to the Oregon belt, while in the land, the time elapsing between these events would correspond to ten years.

However, this is only possible because of the laws that rule the universe; nothing can be faster than the light in the vacuum; in this situation, time is compresses, delaying the displacement of any moving body.
Another way to travel in time is through the black holes, which, due to its gravitational force, are able to “pull” to its interior, also the light, with some “Gs” of gravity. They can also interfere with time, causing everything around them to slow down. If we could change such a structure in some lapse of time, this would work as a time machine.

The same way as it goes with medicine, in which man perfects the knowledge in order to become immortal, if we could make these trips, we would be as God, with power to change the routes of the time space. However, the question remains: will it still be possible to change something that already happened, or, something that will happen, and which would be the implications of these interactions?
Modern science stands on the shoulders of two great theories: quantum and relativity, the first one in the atomic level and to another in the macro level. However, there isn’t an interaction between them to date, because the analyses of the phenomena carried out by both fields bear contradictory results.

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