quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011


Electronic device charges with the kinetic energy of your steps.
The next time you run out of battery on your phone, just a little walk or take a bike ride.

Tremont Electric has developed a portable solution that captures the movements of your body and converts it into electricity for mobile devices. The nPower PEG fits into any backpack or fanny pack and is compatible with about 90% of electronics.
With it, anyone is capable of generating power at any location with periodic movements. Also it is a source of clean and renewable energy. It has a USB port and just plug the charger from your device and start walking. If you need to load quickly, just shake the nPower PEG.
The device automatically adjusts the intensity of your activity in order to capture as much energy. It is made of polycarbonate and coated with titanium to ensure strength. It also has lithium-polymer, which store energy when there is no device connected.
Inside, a small magnet is shaken by the body movements of the user. Whenever he crosses the electric coil induces a current. Any activity that moves the device on a regular basis creates the conditions for the nPower PEG works.
According to Tremont Electric, 10 minutes walk generate power for 2 minutes of conversation in the iPhone 2G and 3G version in one minute. In an iPod Nano, 1 minute walk corresponds to one minute of play.
Its developers are studying the possibility of creating models of giant nPower PEG to capture the movement of tectonic plates in the soil. This, perhaps, is another alternative to the use of "green energy"in the future. The portable battery charger is for sale on the site of its developers for $ 149.

Fonte: http://www.baixaki.com.br/tecnologia/6806-dispositivo-carrega-eletronicos-com-a-energia-cinetica-de-seus-passos.htm

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