sexta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2011

Hi Guys,

My name is Pedro Paulo, I am Brazilian and I am 19 years old. I have always lived in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte State. I'm a simple guy, calm, I love my life.
My favorite food is Chinese and it is called Bifu, but my daily diet includes: fruits, breads, meats, good old beans and rice, soup, etc…
To pass the time I love playing football with friends, surfing, try to play the guitar, watching movies and series, going to the beach, listening to music and reading. In reading my emphasis is on the psychographics, books dictated by spirits. The experiences of life after death fascinate me and give me hope, knowing that there isn’t only this life.
I am currently a student of Bachelor of Science and Technology, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. I chose it because it is a basic course that's the opportunity to join various engineerings that interest me. Initially I would like to join Energy Engineering, which is not offered at our university.
Like many children my first dream was to become a footballer, even got a scholarship for high school playing soccer, but time passed, I was hurting myself so I decided to take care of my studies. With that my dreams and goals have changed, and today, get a good job, help people, learn to speak other languages, go to Fernando de Noronha, learn about snow are some of my new dreams and goals that I will soon accomplish.

Dreams nourish life, so I hope I never stop dreaming.
A bit of me 

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